Addiction Services
Raukura Hauora O Tainui offers a range of Addiction services to individuals and whaanau by incorporating a tikanga Maaori approach that encompasses four key elements:
Wairua (spiritual), Hinengaro (psychological) Tinana (physical) and Whaanau (extended family.)
Dual Diagnosis: A non-clinical service that provides support to those experiencing the trauma of mental illness combined with the effects of excessive alcohol and other drug use.
Ka Awatea (Alcohol and Drug Addiction for Adults): This service aims to inform people about the need to deal specifically with problem drinking, drug use and their associated behaviors through harm reduction strategies.
Te Oho Ake (Alcohol and Drug Addiction for Youth): A community-based alcohol and drug support service primarily working with at risk rangatahi who are not attending an educational setting to get back into full-time education.
Te Piringa Tupono (Problem Gambling): Our aim is “empowering positive change within the whaanau and the community.
Specific Services
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